Alternative areas that may remain accessible to vehicular travel and dont require a permit

The diversity and options that can be found in this part of the world are almost unimaginable.  All of the following areas offer incredible opportunities to see nature at is best!

  • Antelope Canyon

  • Horseshoe Bend Overlook

  • Lake Powell

  • Alstrom Point

  • Horseshoe Bend Slot Canyon (formerly known as “Secret Canyon”)

  • Antelope Canyon X

  • Mountain Sheep Canyon

  • Rattlesnake Canyon

  • Wind Pebble Canyon

  • Ram’s Head Canyon

  • White Pocket


  • The “New” Wave

  • Stud Horse Point

  • Thousand Pockets

  • Grand Canyon Toroweap Overlook

  • Mystical Slot Canyon

  • Peek-A-Boo Canyon

  • The “White” Wave

  • Zion National Park

  • Bryce Canyon

37 Responses

  1. Hello! We have dreams of visiting the Wave one day and we hope to at a more bearable time of year. I see your listing of Antelope Canyon as a great alternative, but $100 a person isn’t in the budget this year. Among your alternatives, however, for this summer and my three children ages 11-18, do you know which of these alternatives is still beautiful, but economically friendly? Thank you!

    1. Hi Jennifer,
      Fortunately there are plenty of sites you can visit free of charge, or close to, in the Page, AZ and Kanab, UT area.
      Some of these are:
      Horseshoe Bend – $10/vehicle, open sunrise to sunset (best to go at sunrise for cooler temperatures and thinner crowds)
      The Wave Chamber – a sometimes forgotten but fascinating alcove located behind Big Lake Trading Post
      The Red Mesa Rim Trail & Rim View Trails – popular hiking and biking trails just minutes from Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend
      The Hanging Garden Trail – an easy and free trail located on the Eastern flank of the Glen Canyon Dam that leads to a stalwart colony of mosses and ferns that eke out a living off a small seep in the rocks (they may be dormant during the summer)
      The New Wave – a small but interesting cluster of rock formations, some bearing a slight resemblance to The Wave, located just past the Western flank of the Glen Canyon Dam
      Grandview Overlook Park – a relatively new city park with a stunning view of Lake Powell and the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
      The Big Water Visitors Center & Dinosaur Museum – located in the town of Big Water, UT, ~20 minutes West of Page, AZ, on US89
      Wire Pass Canyon & Buckskin Gulch – two slot canyons located between Page, AZ, and Kanab, UT, requires the purchase of a $6/person Day Use Pass through
      The Paria Rimrocks/Toadstool Hoodoos – also between Page, AZ, and Kanab, UT, trailhead located at mile marker 19 on US89, cool grouping of “mushroom-like” rock formations and capped columns
      Whichever of these locations you choose to visit, be sure you pack plenty of water for all members of your party.
      Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

  2. Hi Alley,
    My husband, son and I just won the Advanced lottery tickets to the Wave in midJuly. We will be travelling from Maryland. Based on the videos, I have seen so far and time of year, I am concerned about taking my son on the hike since he is too young (will be 18 moths by July) and it would be too hot. This will be about a 10-day trip and are open to flying straight to either St George Regional (SGU) or Page (PGA). The plan is to see as many things/places in the area as we can and then visit some places in nearby states (New Mexico or Las Vegas).So we will most likely fly in through SGU or PGA and fly out from Vegas to Maryland. I would appreciate any advice you might have for us travelling with a baby, best spots to visit and timing. An itinerary will be much appreciated. Thanks!

    1. Hey Lydia,
      Congratulations on winning the Wave permit lottery! You are correct, however, to be concerned about doing this hike with a baby at that time of year. Infants are especially vulnerable to dehydration, heat exhaustion, even heat stroke. Personally, I wouldn’t risk it. But that might mean one of your party members sacrificing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to remain behind to look after your son. You might consider bringing along an au pair or teen/young adult family member who can babysit while you and your husband are out hiking. I know that’s an expensive way to go, but I’ve talked to a few people who swear by that, and their relatives jumped at the chance to take an all-expenses-paid vacation to the Southwest US, even if it meant having to sit some things out.
      If neither of those options will work, one radical solution that has been undertaken by some is to start the hike super early in the morning, as in, 2:00-3:00 am. No, that’s not a typo! See, your Wave permit is good for 24 hours, which some hikers use to their advantage for the purpose of nighttime photography, others, to beat the heat by getting a pre-dawn start down the trail. As long as you don’t attempt to camp in the Coyote Buttes area, you’re OK to do your hike whenever it suits you. Yes, nighttime hiking carries some risk with it — you would definitely want to invest in headlamps for all members of your party — but cooler temperatures would definitely pose less risk to your baby. For more tips on handling extreme heat with an infant, check out this article: “How Hot Is Too Hot For Babies?”
      As for a 10-day itinerary using PGA or SGU as your starting point, then flying out of Vegas, you could do something like this:
      Day 1: Fly to Page, AZ, overnight in PGA
      Day 2: Tour Antelope Canyon and visit Horseshoe Bend, 2nd night in PGA
      Day 3: Drive to Moab, UT (~5 hours, direct from Page, AZ) – optional stops en route: Navajo Code Talkers’ Museum (inside Kayenta Burger King), Monument Valley, Mexican Hat, Goosenecks of the San Juan State Park, overnight in Moab
      Day 4: Explore Arches National Park — note that a timed entry ticket must be purchased for entry between 8 AM and 4 PM. Here again, because this area is also very hot, you should strongly consider starting your day earlier, say 5:00-6:00 AM. For more tips on enjoying Arches National Park with a baby, visit – Moab & Arches With A Baby or Toddler, spend 2nd night in Moab
      Day 5: Explore Canyonlands National Park – with a baby in tow, best to stick to the Islands in the Sky district as it’s most easily explored by car, and the hikes in that area are fairly easy and short. Again, arrive early (no timed entry ticket required), and make sure any labor-intensive activities are done by 10-11 am. 3rd night in Moab Ultimate Canyonlands with Kids Guide
      Day 6: Drive to Bryce Canyon w/stop at Capitol Reef (~5-6 hour drive), overnight in Bryce Canyon area
      Day 7: Drive to Kanab, UT (~90 minutes from Bryce) for Wave hike orientation, overnight in Kanab
      Day 8: Hike The Wave! 2nd night in Kanab
      Day 9: Drive to Zion National Park (~90 minutes from Kanab), utilize Zion Canyon Shuttle to access main sightseeing area of the park, overnight in Springdale, UT, or Hurricane, UT
      Day 10: Drive to Las Vegas, NV (~3-4 hours depending on where you stay the night before), optional detour through Valley of Fire State Park, fly home
      Custom Trip Map
      Notice I didn’t include New Mexico in this itinerary. Not that it isn’t beautiful or worthwhile – it definitely is! – but it would be too far a swing out of your way IMO. It should be planned as a separate trip for another time. This itinerary has you hitting the Utah Mighty 5 and then some! One place that you might find conspicuously absent from this proposed itinerary is the Grand Canyon. If you’ve never been there before, you should definitely take advantage of the opportunity to visit it since you’ll be so close. At the time of year you’re visiting, you could visit Grand Canyon North Rim as a day trip from Kanab, UT, or Page, AZ. Depending on when you start from, it takes anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hours – one way – to drive to the park. The nice thing about the North Rim is that at 8,000′ above sea level, it’s cooler than the other parks in July. The bummer is if you are truly limited to 10 days travel time, you’d have to drop a destination from this itinerary, which, in this case, would probably be Moab, UT. Or, see if you can free up another couple of days. For tips on a good 14-day trip itinerary, including The Wave, visit our companion site, 14 Days in the Grand Circle
      For practical advice regarding your Wave hike, please join our group on Facebook, The Wave AZ Group
      Hope that helps! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us directly at [email protected] or [email protected]
      Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

  3. Hi there,
    Flying into Vegas on Oct 19 2023, my 17yo son & I are staying in Apple valley Utah & plan on seeing ad much of the parks as possible. We get in late on the 19th so was just going to grab a hotel for the nite then head out early on the 20th, we are just doing a long weekend and come back on Tuesday the 24th flying back out late. We have never been to the area and would love some suggestions on our way over to apple valley since we can’t check in til 4p and what we should definitely hit with our location, Thanksso much!

    1. Hi Denise!
      The drive from Las Vegas, NV, to Apple Valley, UT, takes ~3 hours, but there are plenty of opportunities for sightseeing along the way!
      A short distance Northeast of Las Vegas is Valley of Fire State Park. That’s an absolutely stunning area that you can enjoy from the comfort of your vehicle going along the scenic loop drive off I-15. However, the time of year you’re visiting is great weather for hiking, so I strongly recommend you take advantage of the opportunity. Since you wrote in our site dedicated to The Wave, and I assume you don’t have a permit for that, there’s an easier – and permit-free – alternative right in VOF called the Fire Wave Trail. There are several ways to enjoy that, the easiest and most efficient being the easy 1.5 mile out and back hike to the Fire Wave that takes ~1 hour. If you prefer to spend more time and burn more calories, you can easily combine it with the Seven Wonders Loop, or visit the White Domes as well. Visit the link above for more information on how to thoroughly enjoy this most unique area!
      After a morning spent hiking, you’ll no doubt be craving a good hearty lunch. Hop back on I-15 and head up the road ~1 hour to Mesquite, NV. You’ll find everything from fast food to world-class gourmet cuisine there. Just be careful if you want to visit a restaurant located inside a casino, your 17YO will have to be careful to stay away from gaming areas. Security guards can be kind of nasty to minors who wander too close to a slot machine. Mesquite, NV, Restaurants
      Up near St. George, UT, you’ll find Snow Canyon State Park, aka “Little Zion.” Jenny’s Slot Canyon is a short but pretty slot canyon, and one of many easy but beautiful trails in this popular family-friendly park.
      If you find yourselves with more time to kill, and one or both of you like old airplanes, head up to the St. George Regional Airport and pay a visit to the Western Sky Aviation Warbird Museum.
      Once you get settled into your lodging in Apple Valley, make plans to visit Zion National Park (you’ll have to drive to Springdale, UT, and utilize the Zion Canyon Shuttle to get around the main sightseeing areas of the park), Grand Canyon North Rim (visitor facilities will be closed, but barring severe snow, the road into the park should still be open), Pipe Spring National Monument, maybe Coral Pink Sand Dunes near Kanab, UT.
      Custom Trip Map
      The main thing to keep in mind on your sightseeing days in Apple Valley is when the sun goes down. Nighttime driving is strongly discouraged in this part of the US due to local roads being very dimly lit, plus the possible presence of deer, elk, and other wildlife, even livestock animals, can ratchet up your risk of an auto accident. October is also migratory season for the local elk population. Trust me, hitting a large mammal in a rental care is not something you want to risk in an unfamiliar area that’s pitch black, freezing cold (nighttime lows in some areas will already be dipping down into the high 20s/low 30s!), where cell service is spotty (IF you can get any bars at all), and help will be a long time coming, not to mention VERY expensive. At the time of year you’re visiting, sunrise takes place at 7.40 am and sunset occurs just before 7:00 pm, Utah time. If you happen to cross into Arizona, we’re one hour “behind” as we don’t observe Daylight Savings Time, whereas Utah does. Wherever you happen to be, just make sure you’re heading back in plenty of time to be “back to base” well before nightfall.
      Hope that helps! If you need further information, please contact us directly at [email protected] or [email protected]
      Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

  4. Hello Alley,

    We are traveling from Texas to Las Vegas. We are planning to stay at Cane beds from Saturday afternoon to Monday evening and wanted to explore as many places as possible near Grand Canyon. Could you please suggest some places for us for best experience. I know it’s short trip but we wanted to know best places to visit in this small amount of time. Thank you in advance

    1. Hi Venkat,
      First of all, I would rethink using Cane Beds as a “base camp” for this trip. It is very remote and you’ll find services catering to tourists to be at a bare minimum. I would recommend Kanab, UT, or Page, AZ. Both towns are very tourist-oriented and you’ll find more in the way of visitor services (hotels, restaurants, grocery stores, retail outlets, etc.)
      Whatever you decide, areas you might visit within close proximity to the area include, but aren’t limited to:
      – Grand Canyon North Rim, ~2 hours (each way) from Cane Beds, be sure to stop at the Jacob Lake Inn for some of their delicious and world-famous home-made cookies
      Pipe Springs National Monument, ~1/2 an hour (each way) from Cane Beds, a fascinating glimpse into early pioneer life and the importance of water to survival in this area
      Water Canyon Trail, moderate hike of ~3.5 miles round-trip, trailhead located near Hildale, UT
      Springdale, UT, ~1 hour drive (each way) from Cane Beds, hub of the Zion Canyon Shuttle system, which you must utilize if you wish to visit Zion National Park and are not staying at the Zion Lodge
      I would recommend using your full day available to visit Grand Canyon North Rim. I don’t recall seeing when you were traveling, but all visitor facilities on the North Rim close on October 15. Just a reminder, it’s ~a 2-hour drive, each way, from Cane Beds. Be aware of when the sun rises and sets at all times. In early October, sunrise occurs at 6:30 am. Sunset takes place just after 6:00 pm. The reason this information is so important is because nighttime driving is strongly discouraged in this part of the US. Local roads are very dimly lit, plus the possible presence of deer, elk, and other wildlife, even livestock animals, can ratchet up your risk of an auto accident. Late September/early October is also migratory season for the local elk population. Trust me, hitting a large mammal in a rental care is not something you want to risk in an unfamiliar area that’s pitch black, freezing cold (nighttime lows at the North Rim are already dipping down into the high 20s/low 30s!), where cell service is spotty (IF you can get any bars at all), and help will be a long time coming, not to mention VERY expensive. You’ll want to be heading out of the park at the North Rim no later than 4:00 PM. Time/inclination permitting, you could probably squeeze in a visit to Pipe Springs in the same trip, but don’t be surprised to find yourselves tiring more easily than normal; Grand Canyon North Rim is 8,000′ above sea level, and it takes the average person ~2 weeks to fully acclimate, which you unfortunately don’t have.
      Your partial days should be used to experience the scenery and attractions closer to the local area.
      If you are coming over from Las Vegas, NV, or driving back there at the end of your vacation, you might consider stopping at Snow Canyon State Park, which is often referred to by the locals as “Little Zion” because its scenery is so similar, yet it tends to be a lot less crowded. It also has a nice little slot canyon called Jenny’s Canyon which is short but enjoyable. Another great place to visit at this time of year a short distance from Las Vegas, NV, is the Valley of Fire State Park. That’s an absolutely stunning area that can be enjoyed via a convenient loop drive for those who aren’t into hiking. If you are, the Fire Wave Trail is a relatively easy 1.3 mile out and back hike leading to a formation very similar to The Wave. Note that between June 1 and October 1 the Fire Wave Trail is typically closed due to excess heat. Should it be closed at the time of your visit, don’t worry, there are plenty of other trails to explore. Due to recent weather forecasts indicating daytime highs of 90+ degrees (Fahrenheit) in the Las Vegas, NV, area, any labor-intensive activities should be done early in the morning.
      I hope that helps! Please feel free to contact us directly at [email protected] or [email protected] if you have further questions.
      Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

  5. Thanks for all this great info! We are planning to drive from Las Vegas on a Sunday at the end of September, leaving at 10am towards Kanab/Page to visit The Wave, Antelope Canyon etc and then head back Thursday afternoon around 1 or 2pm, so 4 nights total. We are also ok to stay in 2 different hotel locations if it’s more efficient. Would you be able to suggest an itinerary for us on what to visit. We are in our 40’s and fairly decent shape, but prefer not to do any 6 hr incline climbs up. We would even be interested in rappelling or sand boarding, and biking if that works…but these activities are NOT necessary. Thank you so much for your help!

    1. Hi Wanda!
      Hope you’re aware that hiking The Wave requires a permit, which you would need to obtain through one of two lotteries conducted by the advance lottery, which would be held in May for the month of September, or the in-person lottery, which you’d enter 2 days prior to your desired hiking date by smartphone. For the in-person lottery, you would physically need to be within a certain radius of the towns of Page, AZ, or Kanab, UT. You would not be able to apply for the in-person lottery from Las Vegas. How To Get A Permit for The Wave Another thing to bear in mind is that late September is prime hiking season in Northern Arizona (daytime highs are cooling down to more bearable temperatures), so competition for permits will be quite heavy.
      Assuming you are successful at obtaining an advance Wave permit, you could do something like this:
      Sunday – drive from Las Vegas, NV, to Kanab, UT, optional stop at Valley of Fire State Park (~4 hour drive), overnight in Kanab
      Monday – hike The Wave! 2nd night in Kanab
      Tuesday – drive to Page, AZ (~1.5 hours), tour Antelope Canyon, visit Horseshoe Bend, overnight in Page, AZ
      Wednesday – drive to Grand Canyon South Rim (~3 hours), overnight at Grand Canyon
      Thursday – head back to Las Vegas (~4.5 hour drive)
      If you are unsuccessful at obtaining an advance Wave permit and want to try for the in-person lottery, your trip plan would look more like this:
      Sunday – drive from Las Vegas, NV, to Page, AZ (~5 hours), optional stop at Valley of Fire, overnight in Page, AZ
      Monday – apply for walk-in lottery on’s smartphone app (desktop or laptops may not be used for this), then visit Horseshoe Bend and tour Antelope Canyon, 2nd night in Page — if you are successful in obtaining a permit, you will be notified by that evening
      Tuesday – if you succeeded in getting a Wave permit, pick up your permit and attend a safety briefing at the Page-Lake Powell Hub at 8:30 AM, then drive to Kanab, UT (~1.5 hours from Page, AZ). Stop at Paria Rimrocks/Toadstool Hoodoos, Coral Pink Sand Dunes (great location for sand-boarding!), Moqui Cave, Belly of the Dragon, and other Kanab, UT, area sights. Overnight in Kanab.
      Wednesday – if you succeeded at getting a Wave permit, hike The Wave! If not, take a day trip to either Zion National Park or Grand Canyon NORTH Rim. Or if you are interested in rappelling or canyoneering, contact the Zion Ponderosa Resort to see if you can get on a tour, 2nd night in Kanab, UT.
      Thursday – head back to Las Vegas (~4.5 hour drive)
      Note that a guided tour is required to visit Antelope Canyon, which must be reserved in advance. For Horseshoe Bend, you simply go at your leisure during operating hours of the parking lot, which are sunrise to sunset.
      Hope that helps! If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at [email protected]
      Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

  6. Hi Alley! I came across this page while doing research on Utah and Arizona. Myself and a friend are planning a 6 to 7 day trip in September of this year. We have Zion, Bryce, Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend and Grand Canyon all on our radar. We would fly into Vegas, drive to Glendale, Utah and stay for 2 or 3 days. During that time frame, we are looking at hiking Zion and Bryce. Then after 3 days, drive to Page, Arizona and hike Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend. We do plan on entering the online lottery for The Wave. If we get lucky enough to get permits, would it be smarter to include The Wave in our days of Bryce and Zion, or include it during the days we explore Antelope and Horseshoe Bend? Another question I have is which tour is best for Antelope Canyon? I’ve been told Upper Canyon but have seen many reviews saying Lower Canyon is good too. I also have Angel’s Landing on my radar but I don’t think we will have enough time to fit everything in. After we finish up in Page, we would drive to the Grand Canyon and then fly out of Vegas the next day.

    I would love to get your thoughts and expertise!

    1. Hi Stephanie,
      Apologies for the delay in response to your inquiry!
      September is a great time to visit the Grand Circle, and hike The Wave. Because the weather is so nice at that time of year, competition will be pretty fierce for those few permits. Should you not succeed in obtaining one online, a few permits are dispensed the day prior to when you wish to hike, presently via an in-person lottery held in Kanab, UT. At this time, the latter process is in a transitional phase to a fully on-line system, with particulars yet to be worked out. We anticipate knowing more about that around mid-March.
      As to which day you do the Wave hike on, should you get a permit, it’s “six of one/half a dozen of another” as to whether you do it from Glendale, UT, or Page, AZ. As you can hopefully see by the map link, it’s ~90 minutes from Glendale to the Wire Pass Trailhead, or 1 hour and change from Page.
      In the very likely event you are unsuccessful at getting a Wave permit, I recommend booking a tour to an equally beautiful area called White Pocket. At present, permits are not required to visit it. Technically, a guided tour is not required either, but we strongly recommend going that route because the access road to it is very difficult to navigate for those unaccustomed to off-road driving, particularly in deep sand. You’ll find several fine White Pocket tour companies in Page, AZ, or Kanab, UT. The ones we are most familiar with are Paria Outpost and Dreamland Safaris.
      RE: Upper vs Lower Antelope Canyon, they are both beautiful, but if you’re fit enough to think about hiking The Wave, you should have no problem at all with Lower Antelope. The main thing is to book a guided tour in advance.
      BTW, if you want to hike Angel’s Landing, that now requires a permit, too. It’s a new development that is taking effect this year. If you don’t succeed at getting that permit, you can still hike as far as Scout Lookout if you wish.
      Hope that helps. Please contact me directly at [email protected] if I can be of further assistance, or visit our companion sites:
      Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

  7. Hi Alley,
    Amazing information you have put together! I have read several of your articles! I am planning a trip to AZ the second week of January. Our original plan was to to the wave and antelope canyon. The lottery results came out for January today and neither my partner or I got a permit. I also see that antelope canyon is currently closed. We had planned on doing horseshoe bend the same day as antelope canyon and coyote buttes north on the day before. We will be renting a car, not sure if it is all wheel drive or not to take us around Arizona. Since we did not get permits to coyote buttes north, is there something in the same area you can recommend to me? We are good with long hikes and just want to see some scenery, it is ok if it doesn’t look like the wave. We would love to do it ourselves without a guide. If antelope canyon does not open before our trip, is there something near horseshoe bend we could do that same day that you would recommend?

    Thank you for all your information!!

    1. Hi Jessica,
      So sorry to hear that neither you nor your partner got picked for the Wave. FYI, you could try your hand at the walk-in lottery. It is held at the Kanab, UT, Convention Center, and you would apply the day before you wish to hike.
      Should you not wish to do that, and still wish to go someplace really cool, I’d recommend White Pocket. This is a stunning area, also located within the Paria Canyon/Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness Area. Unlike the Wave, a permit is not required to go there (not yet anyway — that could change, given how popular it’s become!), and the “hiking” involved is relatively easy. Although you stated your preference for not going with a guide, we strongly recommend you rethink that due to the difficult nature of the terrain on the access road into the area. It typically consists of very deep sand, and even experienced 4X4 drivers get stuck out there on a daily basis, necessitating a VERY expensive tow. Besides, if you’re driving a rental car, you would void your insurance the minute your tires parted with the pavement.
      The companies listed below have knowledgeable guides (I know many of them personally) and vehicles with beefy enough suspensions to handle the rigors of the desert. For more information, read “Hire A Guide To The Wave AZ ” or contact/visit:
      – Paria Outpost & Outfitters — — 928-691-1047
      – Action Photo Tours — — 208-789-5899
      – American West Scenic Adventures — — 435-767-0220
      – Dreamland Safari Tours — — 435-644-5506
      – Grand Circle Tours — — 928-691-0166
      – Grand Staircase Discovery Tours — — 928-614-4099
      – Kanab Tour Company — — 435-644-5525
      – Kanab Western Adventures — — 435-690-0220
      – Lake Powell Tour Company — — 928-618-5219
      – Seeking Treasure Adventures — — 435-689-2182
      – Antelope Canyon Tours/Vermilion Adventures — — 928-645-9102
      Whether you go with a tour to White Pocket, or you DIY it, a trip there would most likely take the better part of a day, so you’d probably want to plan on visiting Horseshoe Bend the following day.
      Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

      1. Hello Alley, My wife and I are making a 7 week cross country trip in an all wheel drive SUV and an 18 foot pop-up tent camper. We are departing Cleveland Oh. on May 13th. We are devoting 10 days to visiting Southern Utah and the Big Five. We arrive in Moab on May 24th, May 25th, exploring Arches NP, May 26th rafting on the Colorado, May 27th exploring Canyon Lands NP, May 28thDepart Moab for Capital Reef by way of Natural Bridges NM., May 29th exploring Capital Reef, end of day heading to Escalante UT. May 30th exploring Bryce Canyon NP, May 31st doing a four hour guided ATV trip near Bryce. After our ATV excursion I would like to depart for Page AZ. by way of the unnamed road running out of Bryce off of RT 12 heading south thru Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument and coming out onto RT 89 just west of Big Water. Is that route safe and passable with an SUV and pulling a small tent camper trailer. Also is it possible to boon dock along that route? In page we would like to do the Kayak trip on Lake Powell to Antelope Canyon and the next day do the half day calm water rafting trip on the Colorado River. I’m aware that Upper and Lower Antelope are closed. I would love to experience some terrain like Antelope and some slot canyons. I’m wide open for any suggestions you might offer regarding any part of my planned trip. I have enjoyed reading your responses to others, very informative. Thanking you in advance, Best regards, Tom Seskar

        1. Hey Tom, thank you for visiting our site.
          That trip plan looks pretty fun. One thing that jumped out at me, though, was that the trip from Moab, UT, to Capitol Reef with the detour through Natural Bridges NM is going to make for an awfully long drive, somewhere along the lines of 6+ hours. I know Google maps says 5 hours, but that’s wheels turning, no stops, which rarely happens. A cool stop that wouldn’t be so far a swing out of your way would be Goblin Valley State Park. It’s right on your way, has lots of awesome scenery, and usually isn’t very crowded. At the time of year you’re visiting, you might try to hit it first thing in the morning so you can hike in cooler temperatures.
          RE: the “unnamed” road that runs from near Bryce to Big Water is actually called the Cottonwood Canyon Road. Since it is unpaved, it is essential that recent weather has not brought any moisture in order for it to be passable for an SUV/trailer combo. Start monitoring local weather about 2 weeks before you get set to travel. If it rains or snows within a few days leading up to your arrival, you should probably skip it. However, you can go as far as Kodachrome Basin State Park on paved roads. Should conditions be favorable to driving Cottonwood Canyon, boondocking is allowed on it. You must obtain a camping permit, which is free last I checked, at any of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Visitors Centers (there’s one in Cannonville, UT, but it’s temporarily closed) or at one of the kiosks located at either the Kodachrome Basin State Park turnoff. According to the article linked above, “there are over a dozen pull-offs and numbered spurs along the route where you can set-up camp for the night. Regulations require that you use established campsites and fire rings.” If you do drive to Page, AZ, using this route, be prepared to take your time on it, and don’t schedule anything time-sensitive for after you arrive.
          You are correct that the Antelope Canyons are closed at the moment. It’s doubtful they will reopen by the time you visit. On the Cottonwood Canyon Road, you might take time to explore the North Cottonwood Wash Narrows, or if you don’t mind doubling back on US89 after exiting the Cottonwood Canyon Road, Wire Pass Canyon/Buckskin Gulch is a fairly easy hike. The trailhead to it is also located on an unpaved road, the House Rock Valley Road, which may be rendered impassable after recent rain or snow. FYI, there is some construction work going on near the Wire Pass Trailhead to expand the parking lot and do some other upgrades, so be on the look-out for that. And if you think I’m being overly paranoid about the weather seeing as though your visit is occurring around the Memorial Day Holiday, I’ve seen that timeframe bring crappy weather more often than not!
          Hope that helps. If you need to bounce more ideas off us, feel free to contact me directly at [email protected]
          Good luck and safe travels,
          Alley 🙂

  8. Hi:
    Great info.
    I heard about the 10 walk-in permits for The Wave. Are they still doing that? We will be in the area Oct. 3-8 and what is the best strategy for getting a walk-in permit? Thanks so much.

    1. Hey Sally, and thank you for your compliments. I apologize for not replying to your inquiry sooner.
      The short answer is, there is no “strategy” for getting a walk-in permit. It all comes down to the luck of the draw, and at the time of year you’re visiting, you’ll need a lot of luck because October is considered prime time to hike to The Wave. Since it appears you have a few days to try your hand at the walk-in lottery, that can work in your favor, but be prepared to explore other areas in the very likely event your party isn’t chosen to go.
      Otherwise, try again to apply for a Wave permit through the online lottery. Strage as this may sound, you might try doing so at the absolute worst times of the year for hiking: dead of winter and/or heat of summer. While people are still competing for permits at these times of the year, there are typically fewer of them due to the challenges posed by the weather.
      Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

      1. Hi Alley,

        Can you apply for a walk-in lottery even if you have not applied for an online lottery? Or you can only try for a walk-in if you had applied for online lottery but did not win.

        1. Dear Heena,
          Participation in the online lottery is not a prerequisite for participation in the walk-in lottery.
          In the likely event you are unsuccessful at the walk-in lottery, however, you should plan on visiting alternate areas, such as White Pocket. While White Pocket does not require a guided tour to visit, they are very strongly recommended as the access road is very sandy and should not be attempted by those without extensive 4×4 experience, or parties in rental cars.
          For more information on authorized tour companies that go to White Pocket and other areas, visit “Hire A Guide
          Good luck and safe travels,
          Alley 🙂

  9. Hi love your info … Visited Antelope Canyon , Horseshoe Bend and South Rim… I’m interested in around Page White Pocket.. especially that doesn’t need permit… Coming from Scottsdale AZ… Even considered revisiting Antelope canyon..but I saw it’s closed due to covid… Is White Pocket open 1st week in Oct 2020?… It is stated not to enter Navajo territory…

    1. Hi Flory!
      So sorry for the delay in response to your inquiry. I thought I’d turned on notifications for these, but obviously, something I did isn’t working 😛
      Anyway, the White Pocket area is open. It is not located on Navajo Indian Tribal Lands, and you do not need a permit to visit (not yet anyway — that could change, given how popular it’s become!). However, we strongly recommend going with a guided tour due to the difficult nature of the terrain on the access road into the area. These companies have knowledgeable guides (I know many of them personally) and vehicles with beefy enough suspensions to handle the rigors of the desert. For more information, read “Hire A Guide To The Wave AZ ” or contact/visit:
      – Paria Outpost & Outfitters — — 928-691-1047
      – Action Photo Tours — — 208-789-5899
      – American West Scenic Adventures — — 435-767-0220
      – Dreamland Safari Tours — — 435-644-5506
      – Grand Circle Tours — — 928-691-0166
      – Grand Staircase Discovery Tours — — 928-614-4099
      – Kanab Tour Company — — 435-644-5525
      – Kanab Western Adventures — — 435-690-0220
      – Lake Powell Tour Company — — 928-618-5219
      – Seeking Treasure Adventures — — 435-689-2182
      – Antelope Canyon Tours/Vermilion Adventures — — 928-645-9102
      Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

  10. Due to Covid – wasnt sure if we were getting a vacation. So now we are and I know it is too late to get permit, but is there still a way to see the wave or what other choices would you recommend. We are coming from Yellowstone down that way.

    1. Hi Natalie,
      Unfortunately — or fortunately depending on your point of view — it is not possible to hike to The Wave without a permit. Fortunately — or unfortunately depending on your POV 😉 — there is no shortage of incredible scenery around here that doesn’t require a permit to access.
      In the immediate vicinity of Coyote Buttes North, there is Wire Pass Canyon and the Buckskin Gulch. Although these aren’t comparable in looks to The Wave, you’ll still have a ton of fun exploring these beautiful slot canyons! Buckskin Gulch is the grand-daddy of all slot canyons in the Southwest, the longest and deepest in the area! Carved by a tributary of the Paria River that eventually joins with the Colorado River near Lees Ferry, hiking the full length of the Buckskin Gulch is a multi-day affair, requiring advance planning, camping permits, occasional boulder scrambling and frequent slogs through pools of cold, smelly standing water. Fortunately, the typical vacationer needn’t commit to the “whole enchilada” of Buckskin Gulch; you can get a perfectly satisfying sampling of its wonders in Wire Pass Canyon. Wire Pass Canyon is a photogenic two-part slot canyon that is short enough for intermediate-level hikers to enjoy, yet offers the option to delve further into Buckskin Gulch for those wanting more of a challenge. The walk to the entrance of the initial slot is via a typically dry streambed, which may feature deep sand. An 8-10’ drop a short distance into the slot canyon is one reason why Wire Pass Canyon may not be appropriate for those traveling with young children, the elderly, or individuals afraid of heights. As the canyon walls become higher and closer together, they suddenly open up as the second slot connects with the Buckskin Gulch. If you’ve had enough at this point, you can simply turn around and head back to your vehicle. If you’d like to explore further, you can easily make a half-day hike out of the immediate area around the confluence with the Buckskin. Look for some bighorn sheep petroglyphs dating back hundreds, maybe thousands of years! Access to Wire Pass Canyon and the Buckskin Gulch is off US89 between Page, AZ, and Kanab, UT, on the House Rock Valley Road. Hikers are required to pay a self-permitting fee at the kiosk by the trailhead. Fair warning: the House Rock Valley Road is unpaved! While it is accessible to 2WD vehicles much of the time, if recent weather has brought any moisture whatsoever, the HRVR can turn into a muddy, impassable mess. Parties in rental cars should think twice about attempting this road since off-road driving is strictly prohibited by most rental car companies. A guided tour will get your family to Wire Pass Canyon and back in one piece, and turn you onto features you might have missed trying to find your own way. Page, AZ, and Kanab, UT based companies offering guided tours to Wire Pass Canyon and the Buckskin Gulch include:
      – Detours American West, 480-633-9013,
      – Paria Outpost & Outfitters, 928-691-1047,
      – Grand Staircase Discovery Tours, 928-614-4099,
      Another area that’s chock-a-block with intricate rock formations and fascinating history near the Wave is White Pocket. Thought by many to put The Wave to shame, White Pocket does not require a permit or guided tour to visit, and the hiking is relatively easy. However, due to the rugged nature of the access road (lots of people get stuck there), we strongly recommend taking a guided tour so you can get out there and back in one piece. Guided tour providers that go to White Pocket include, but are not limited to the following:
      – Dreamland Safari Tours, (435) 412-1790,
      – TC Tours, (435) 668-5262,
      – Kanab Tour Company, (435) 644-5525,
      – Forever Adventure Tours, 435-644-5700,
      – Grand Circle Tours, (928) 691-0166,
      If you have your heart set on seeing sights comparable to the Wave in the cosmetic sense, you might consider visiting The “New” Wave, near Page, AZ, a small but interesting cluster of rock formations, some of which resemble The Wave. IMO the most fascinating rock formation in this area is Radio Tower Rock. FYI, there is a campground here, so be sure you park so that you’re not impeding on their space or enjoyment of the area.
      Other sites that resemble The Wave’s unique looks are Yant Flat, aka the “Candy Cliffs” near St. George, UT, and the Fire Wave, in Valley of Fire State Park just Northeast of Las Vegas, NV.
      If all else fails, you can always charter an airplane or helicopter over Coyote Buttes out of Kanab, UT, or Page, AZ. Yes, this will be pricey, but you’ll get to see a ton of amazing scenery in addition to The Wave that are virtually inaccessible to anything or anybody! For more information on flying over The Wave, visit “So You Didn’t Get A Wave Permit: Now What?
      Good luck and safe travels!
      Alley 🙂

      1. This information is great! Thank you! I was curious of best options for the most accessible locations to check out. I have 4WD with clearance and Lots of experience off roading in desert, but will be with my parents and we aren’t able to hike more than a mile or two. Any suggestions on places we can off road to without needing a permit? In normal circumstances I would take them on a guided tour, but due to covid we don’t want to be with groups.

        1. Hi Ashley,
          In your case, I would recommend White Pocket. This is a stunning area, also located within the Paria Canyon/Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness Area. Unlike the Wave, a permit is not required to go there, but IMO the best part is, the “hiking” is relatively easy.
          For detailed directions and tips for photography at White Pocket, visit White Pocket
          Good luck and safe travels,
          Alley 🙂

  11. Hi Alley,

    Greetings from London, UK. What a fantastic job you have done with this wonderfully informative site!

    I wonder if it would be possible to tap into the benefit of your experience? My lovely wife and I will be staying in Page in mid October and would love to see some of this amazing area. The problems being, of course we won’t be getting a permit, but also we will be in a rented Mustang.

    Do you have any advice as to anywhere we could visit without permits and in a low clearance vehicle please? Given the time we would arrive, I’d say we could fit in a hike of around 5 miles but a hike isn’t essential. We’re more interested in good spots for scenery / landscape photography. I’ve done a fair bit of research already and almost everything I’ve found so far is either too long a hike and or requires permits and a high clearance vehicle. Our trip is wiping out our funds somewhat so that has ruled out paying for a tour also.

    We will hit Horseshoe Bend for sunrise the next morning. And we don’t really have any interest in playing sardines in Antelope Canyon!

    So far, all I can come up with is doing the Cathedral Wash Trail, which looks to be a pretty good option but if you have any other advice of places I could look into that would be very much appreciated.

    Best regards,


    1. Hi Mes,
      I know you’ve already traveled, but your inquiry might be of benefit to other travelers to the area!
      In a low-clearance vehicle, you will be somewhat limited as to where you can go, but you’ll have no shortage of beautiful sights to visit.
      If you’re up for a 5+ mile hike, you might try hiking for a ways on the Page, AZ, Rim View Trail. This relatively easy trail encircles Manson Mesa, where the original town site of Page was built on. This trail offers great views of landmarks such as Navajo Mountain, Tower Butte, the Vermillion Cliffs, and Lake Powell, but no access to the lake itself. The full length of the trail is 10 miles, but you don’t have to commit to all that. There are several “spur” trails off the main trail that will get you back to populated areas in relatively short order.
      Depending on conditions at the time of your visit, you might also visit The “New” Wave, aka the Beehives, which are located across from the turn-off to the Southern entrance of Lake Powell Resort on US89. The road into this area is unpaved, but regularly graded. However, if any storms have occurred in the days leading up to your visit, you might take a pass on this area as this could render the access road impassable to low-clearance vehicles.
      Another good hike located on US89 between Page, AZ, and Kanab, UT, is the Paria Rimrocks/Toadstool Hoodoos Trail. The parking lot, located near mile marker 19, is paved, you would then walk in from there.
      You might also drive down to Lees Ferry, where you can actually walk right up to the banks of the Colorado River. Time permitting, you might also take a walk around the Lonely Dell Ranch Historic Site and save room for a meal at Cliff Dweller’s Lodge Restaurant.
      Good luck, safe travels, and Happy Holidays to all!
      Alley 🙂

  12. We are from overseas and we intend to drive from Las Vegas to Zion (stay one night only to walk the Narrows the next day), then stay in Kanab so that we can visit: The Wave, Grand Staircase-Escalante, Marble Canyon, Paria Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, Lake Powell, Antelope Canyon, Goblin Valley State Park, and Arches National Park. Do you have any comments on this route?

    I have just started to do research for my August/September trip, so please pardon my ignorance and possibly silly questions. My friends and I are not very sporty, we don’t prefer to do some serious hiking. Last time, we snowshoed at Zion for 2 hours and that was difficult enough for us. Do you think we can drive a do some short walk (say, 1 hour or so) to appreciate the Wave?

    1. Hi Ava,
      I took your two questions and integrated them, and I’m gonna work a bit backwards if that’s OK.
      RE: The Wave — it’s a 6+ mile out-and-back walk, so, no, there’s no way to just walk “an hour or so” to see/appreciate it. The biggest obstacle to seeing The Wave, however, is the very strict permit requirement. Only 20 people per day are allowed out there: 10 spots are give by online lottery 4 months in advance, then another 10 are distributed by walk-in lottery the day prior to when you wish to hike at the Grand Staircase Escalante Visitors Center in Kanab. The process is very competitive, so statistically, the chances of you getting a permit are very slim to begin with.
      Another area in the Vermillion Cliffs/Paria Cayon Wilderness area that is absolutely stunning and doesn’t require a lot of walking, or a permit, is White Pocket. The hardest part of accessing that area is the drive: a lot of sand, occasional boulders, a 4WD vehicle is definitely required, along with experience in driving that kind of terrain. For your safety and enjoyment, going with a licensed tour outfitter is the best way to go. There are several in Page, AZ, and Kanab, UT, but a couple we know personally are Paria Outpost & Outfitters and Vermillion Adventures.
      As for the rest of your plan, using Kanab, UT, as a base camp from which to explore the parks and monuments out here is OK for the most part, except when you get to Arches/Canyonlands and Goblin Valley. It takes 5 hours — one way — to drive from Kanab, UT, to Moab, UT, the gateway community for Arches/Canyonlands. Goblin Valley State Park can be visited en route. If you wanted to hit Bryce on the way, you could do that, too, as well as Capitol Reef, for that matter. At that point, it’s best to break up the drive about half-way. Torrey, UT, would be a good candidate for an overnight, or Fruita, or Hanksville. Then you need at least 3-4 days to do Moab, UT, justice. If you’re flying out of Las Vegas after your vacation is over, you might want to do this part of the trip first, so you don’t have such a long drive at the end of your trip, when you’re tired.

      Horseshoe Bend, Antelope Canyon, and Lake Powell can be visited in one day’s time as a day trip out of Kanab, UT. It takes 1 hour and change, each way, to drive to Page, AZ. You need reservations to tour Antelope Canyon. If you’re wanting to tour both Antelope Canyon and do a short boat tour on Lake Powell, consider booking both tours as “bundle” for optimal convenience. If you wanted to, you could return to Kanab via Marble Canyon and make it a nice “loop” drive.
      With Grand Staircase-Escalante, that area is huge, and you actually have views of that area all around you traveling between Kanab and Page, and then as you travel between Kanab and Moab. Lower Calf Creek Falls is a nice hike you might do, although it is 5.5 miles total.
      The biggest over-arching concern with using Kanab, UT, as a base camp to make day trips to the various attractions out here is to keep an eye on the time. You need to ensure that you get back to Kanab before sunset, which occurs at ~8:30 PM, Kanab time. Nighttime driving is strongly discouraged in this part of the US due to lack of ambient lighting on local roads, and the possible presence of deer, elk, free range cattle, and even wild horses. The stretch of road between Page, AZ, and Kanab, UT, is especially notorious for nighttime collisions with large wildlife, which will ruin a vacation in a hot second. HOWEVER — you must also keep in mind that Arizona DOES NOT observe Daylight Savings Time, whereas Utah DOES observe it. This means that Kanab, UT, will be one hour “ahead” of Page, AZ, so you’d “gain” an hour passing from Kanab to Page, then “lose” it again as you travel from Page to Kanab.
      Oh, one more thing: if you wish to see The Wave, but don’t get a hiking permit and/or aren’t prepared to walk 6+ miles, you might consider chartering an airplane or helicopter over it out of Kanab, UT, or Page, AZ.
      Good luck and safe travels!
      Alley 🙂

  13. Alley – So appreciate your posts and information. I am trying to plan a bday trip for my husband from 2/20 -2/22 between the Grand Canyon, Sedona and now Page with all the awesome options I am seeing.
    I planned a helicopter trip over the Grand Canyon for the morning of 2/20 and think I would like to head to Page after that. With the late afternoon of 2/20 arriving into Page.
    What would you recommend as the best spots to visit and the timing of hitting those spots. We are pretty flexible for 2/20 afternoon and all day 2/21 & 2/22.

    1. Hello Jane, and thank you for visiting our site!
      The trip from Grand Canyon South Rim to Page, AZ, is ~150 miles, and takes about 2.5 hours – if you drive direct and don’t make any stops. That rarely happens as the drive is very scenic and you’ll no doubt find yourself stopping to take pictures at the 6+ named overlooks of the Grand Canyon you’ll pass on the way to Desert View Point, the Little Colorado River Overlook, the Cameron Trading Post, Chinle formation/”badlands” views, and The “Cut” Overlook… just to name a few 😉 In light of all this, 3.5-4 hours ends up being a more accurate figure.
      However, you want to be sure to time any drives you make so that you’re at your destination prior to sunset. Nighttime driving is strongly discouraged in this part of the US due to lack of ambient lighting on local roadways, plus the possible presence of deer, elk, coyotes, free range cattle, and other wildlife. Daylength in February is relatively short: sunrise occurs at about 7:15 AM, and sunset takes place shortly after 6:00 PM.
      Timing and parking permitting, you could hit the Horseshoe Bend Overlook on the way into Page. It’s located a few miles South of town, so it’s right on your way. However, this is a very popular spot for sunset, so you might find the parking lot already full. If that’s the case, plan on going back the next morning, just after sunrise. The views are just as pretty, and there tends to be fewer people to contend with.
      The next day, plan on touring Antelope Canyon. If you can grab a mid-day spot, that’s generally regarded as the best time for lighting in the canyon. If these spots are already full, which is entirely possible at this point, then go whenever there’s space available that fits your schedule. If you’d rather not mess with all that, you might also consider touring one of several “alternate” slot canyons that are just as beautiful, but far less crowded.
      As for other things you might do, water-based activities such as Lake Powell Boat Tours and the Glen Canyon Float Trip are on seasonal hiatus. If you have another full day to work with, I’d suggest doing a tour to White Pocket or maybe Alstrom Point. White Pocket is an area in the Vermilion Cliffs/Paria Canyon Wilderness renowned for its amazing rock formations, and the fact that you don’t need a permit (yet, knock on wood) to visit it. Tours to this area are offered by several companies. The ones we’re most familiar with are Paria Outpost & Outfitters (located between Page, AZ and Kanab, UT) and Vermilion Adventures, which is a division of Roger Ekis’ Antelope Canyon Tours, located in Page, AZ. For Alstrom Point, we recommend Alstrom Point Tours, a division of Horseshoe Bend Slot Canyon Tours, also located in Page, AZ.
      These are just a few suggestions; the possibilities are almost endless! Ultimate 2-Day Itinerary in Page, AZ
      Hope that helps! Best wishes for safe travels, and a Happy Holiday Season 🙂

  14. On the above list I have already been to Bryce Canyon and Zion. Are there any of the others you can recommend that does not entail too much walking? My days of doing that are over but I would like to see more sites. I would just rather drive to these places and get out and walk some if I have to.

    1. Hello Sindi,
      Fortunately you’ll find lots of parks and other attractions in the Southwest where you can keep exertion to a minimum if needed. The most notable entrant: Grand Canyon South Rim. It is very easy to tour using your own vehicle on the East Rim/Desert View Drive and the free shuttles out to the Hermit’s Rest/West Rim overlooks. Sedona and the surrounding area can also be enjoyed by car, with the backcountry areas accessible by jeep tour. In Page, AZ, Upper Antelope Canyon is one of the most, if not THE most accessible attraction in the area at just 100 yards in length, with a flat trail out and back. Horseshoe Bend is another must-do attraction in the Page, AZ, area, but the walk can be a challenge for some. If you think you might fit into this category, there are alternate means of seeing Horseshoe Bend, such as flying over it, or taking a shuttle to the Navajo Reservation entrance, that will eliminate much, if not all of the need for strenuous walking.
      Hope that helps. Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

      1. A friend told me about a canyon near the wave that’s not so crowded and every bit as spectacular. Do you know what and where that might be?

        1. Hi Mary Rose,
          That sounds like either Wire Pass Canyon or Buckskin Gulch. You access either one of these via the House Rock Valley Road. However, these are slot canyons, so not comparable in terms of scenery to Coyote Buttes North (where The Wave is located), but still beautiful in their own right.
          The most popular alternative to The Wave at the present time is White Pocket. This is an area that, by some miracle, doesn’t require a permit to visit, and doesn’t require a lot of intensive hiking to explore. The hardest part of exploring this area is getting there: the road into it is very sandy, and shouldn’t be attempted in a rental car. Fortunately, there are a number of licensed tour guides in Page, AZ, or Kanab, UT, who can get you to White Pocket in comfort and safety. For more information, visit Hire A Guide The companies we ourselves are most familiar with on a personal basis are Paria Outpost & Outfitters and Dreamland Safari Tours.
          Good luck and safe travels,
          Alley 🙂

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